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Expanded Unemployment Benefits Save Lives and the Economy

Wednesday, July 22, 2020
1:30 pm2:30 pm

If Congress doesn’t act, at the end of July tens of millions of families will get a $600/week pay cut to the Unemployment Insurance they’ve been using to make ends meet during this unprecedented economic and public health crisis.

Despite overwhelming public support and consensus among many economists for the $600 boost, also known as Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, conservatives are in favor of slashing the program. With only two weeks to the expiration set in the CARES Act, tune in to find out what PUC is, how it’s keeping the economy afloat, and why it’s especially critical for Black and brown workers.

Lily Roberts, Center for American Progress
Maurice Emsellem, National Employment Law Project
Cortney Sanders, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Angela Hanks, Groundwork Collaborative