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Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance: Reimagining our Legacy: Transforming from criminalization to liberation

Wednesday, September 30, 2020
1:00 pm3:00 pm

This 2-part webinar series is inspired by a question posed by activist Mimi Kim: “Why and how did the violence against women movement - an emancipatory social movement - choose criminalization as a dominant strategy…and how has this focus on criminalization affected survivors?”

In this time of emergence, we are called to reflect on the status quo (“the way we’ve always done things”), to reimagine new possibilities that increase thriving, and shed that which no longer serves us. This webinar series will offer an opportunity to reflect on the movement to end gender-based violence’s reliance on the criminal legal system and contemplate the consequences of choosing policing, prosecution, and imprisonment as primary solutions to ending violence. We will discuss the impact of incarceration, discuss concepts of punishment and accountability (and how they differ), and learn about new, liberatory ways to practice accountability and repair that do not require punishment and incarceration.

We hope you will join us as we ponder these big questions and reimagine what is possible so that we can set our trajectory for a future in which we all get to flourish and be whole.