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Call Script

2023 Budget Advocacy Day

Urgent action is needed to ensure that DV service providers have the funding required to maintain services to all New Yorkers experiencing domestic violence. To make a united effort and increase our impact, we are asking advocates to contact their NYS Senators and Assemblymembers. Below you will find a template phone script. We encourage you to tailor the sample phone script to highlight any other information you feel your legislators should be aware of (impacts to your program, what you are seeing in the field, nuances specific to DV programs and the victim/survivors you work with, etc.).  

Template Phone Script

Hello, my name is {name} and I am a/an {advocate, program director, executive director, etc.} at {your organization}.  

I am calling to urge {Senator/Assemblymember} to support dedicated funding in the FY’23-’24 budget to ensure the continuity and sustainability of domestic violence services across New York. DV agency staff are committed to supporting survivors of domestic violence. We are valued members of communities and were even declared essential workers at the height of COVID-19. Yet we have not been included in ANY recent state initiatives to provide economic security for human services workers. DV staff provide critical, life-stabilizing services and deserve to be recognized by the State. I am asking state leaders to increase the minimum wage by $3 an hour and provide a 5.4% COLA for all staff at OCFS-licensed facilities.  

Along with this investment, I am asking that an additional investment of $11.7 million be earmarked to reverse significant VOCA cuts to victim service providers. Although Governor Hochul has upheld her commitment to these providers by carrying forward a $14.4 million transfer of general funds to OVS in her Executive Budget, this is simply not enough to adequately support DV service providers as we meet the increased demand for DV services. In fact, New York State has the highest demand for domestic violence services in the country.  

Finally, I am asking that the State: 
Double the TANF set aside for non-residential DV services to $6 million to meet high demand and adjust for inflation; 
Move away from competitive grants for DV funding by adding organizational viability language for all state-administered federal grants used to support DV services. 

Meeting these requests demonstrates New York’s commitment to securing services for the state’s most vulnerable. Survivors and the programs that diligently serve them will be impacted if the Legislature and Governor do not act now. 

May I send {Senator/Assemblymember's name} more information about these budget requests?**  

Thank you! 

**If yes, ask for name and contact information of the staff person receiving information.
