Urgent action is needed to ensure that DV service providers have the funding required to maintain services to all New Yorkers experiencing domestic violence. To make a united effort and increase our impact, we are asking advocates to contact their NYS Senators and Assemblymembers. Below you will find a template email and link to talking points. We encourage you to tailor the sample email to highlight any other information you feel your legislators should be aware of (impacts to your program, what you are seeing in the field, nuances specific to DV programs and the victim/survivors you work with, etc.). When sending your email, please attach the supporting documents in the Legislator Packet (attached below).

Sample Email Template


Dear {Senator/Assembly Member Name} 

I am writing to you today as a/an {advocate, program director, executive director, etc.} at {your organization}

As the Legislature begins its discussions on the State Budget, I wanted to make you aware of a significant issue facing domestic violence providers across the state- insufficient funding for domestic violence programs and inequitable staff compensation. 

Almost three years ago, domestic violence agency staff were deemed essential workers. They have worked tirelessly, providing 24/7 services, to meet the increased demand for DV services in the wake of the Pandemic. According to the latest nationwide survey, New York continues to have the highest demand for DV services in the country, serving 9,157 survivors on a single day in 2022. Yet when the State recognized other essential workers with one-time bonuses, minimum wage increases and cost of living adjustments, domestic violence staff were notably and egregiously excluded.  

To ensure the continuity and sustainability of New York’s domestic violence services, I urge you to support these budget requests: 


  • Increase minimum wage by $3/hour and provide 5.4% COLA for all DV agency staff 
  • Double TANF set aside for non-residential DV services to $6 million 
  • Carry forward $14.4 million transfer to OVS for VOCA grantees and earmark additional $11.7 million for legacy victim service providers that received less funding under 2022-2025 grants than prior awards 
  • Move away from competitive grants for DV funding by adding organizational viability language in budget 

The enclosed letter and materials contain more information about these proposed investments. 

Thank you!

Legislator Package Materials