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2023 Budget Advocacy Day

Use Social Media Platforms to Advocate for DV Survivors

On Tuesday, February 14, 2023, domestic violence advocates, survivors and allies will call on New York State lawmakers to increase funding for domestic violence services across the State. We have developed the following social media content, to assist in your advocacy efforts.

Take Action on Social Media

Use the hashtags #NYSDVFunding and #Safety4Survivors in your posts to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites. 

Share social media posts directly from NYSCADV social media accounts and/or create your own from the samples below. 

Call and/or email your legislators to urge their support for survivors and the DV programs that support them. (Click here to view 2023 Budget Priorities)

Sample Posts 

At the beginning of COVID 19, DV agency staff were deemed “essential” yet have been excluded from ALL recent financial benefits offered by NYS, including bonuses AND COLAs. NOW is the time to value the work of DV staff.  
DV staff are essential to the health and wellbeing of our communities, but many of these frontline workers barely make a living wage. Invest in DV staff so survivors can get the help they need.  
New York State has the HIGHEST demand for DV services in the country, serving 9,157 survivors on ONE single day in 2022. Yet DV programs are woefully unfunded. Hundreds of requests for help cannot be met without more funding.  
DV service providers are safety nets in their communities. But they cannot meet the needs of survivors without more funding. New York must act now.  
Urgent action is needed to increase wages for DV advocates or hundreds of vacancies will remain open. DV survivors will bear the brunt of New York’s failure to fully fund DV programs. 

DV staff are ESSENTIAL to the wellbeing of our communities. Invest in DV programs NOW. 
Act now to keep the DV safety net whole. Invest in the future of these critical services.  
ATTENTION NYS! Create the strongest statewide network of DV services in the country.  
New York’s DV programs are insufficiently funded while doing everything in their power to keep survivors safe. Fund DV programs NOW. 
The Legislature must take action to preserve support services for survivors of DV. Stand with survivors of domestic violence. 
Support New York’s DV survivors by increasing #NYSDVFunding in the 2023 state budget. 
New York’s funding for non-residential DV services is at the same level it was 20 years ago. Something has to change. #NYSDVFunding 
Support the life-saving work of domestic violence service providers. Prioritize survivors #Safety4Survivors
