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2022 Budget Advocacy Day

Use Social Media Platforms to Advocate for DV Survivors

On Tuesday February 15, 2022 domestic violence advocates, survivors and allies will call on New York State lawmakers to increase funding for domestic violence services across the State. We have developed the following social media content, to assist in your advocacy efforts.

Take Action By:

  • Using the hashtag #NYSDVFunding and #Safety4Survivors in your posts to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites.
  • Sharing social media posts directly from NYSCADV social media accounts and/or creating your own from the samples below.
  • Calling and emailing your legislators to urge their support for DV programs, victims, and survivors.  (Click here to view 2022 Budget Priorities)


  • New York State has the highest demand for domestic violence services in the country, yet our DV programs are at risk of losing significant funding. Stand with survivors today. Urge legislators to take budgetary action now. #Safety4Survivors
  • As the state continues to see increased requests for DV services, DV programs need to remain whole. Today we join with NYSCADV, advocates and survivors from around New York State calling on state lawmakers to increase #NYSDVFunding
  • On a single day in 2020, almost 2000 requests from domestic violence survivors went unmet due to piecemeal funding and staffing shortages. Today we call on state lawmakers to create the strongest statewide network of DV services in the country by increasing #NYSDVFunding
  • New York’s DV programs are overwhelmed. They are dealing with staffing shortages, higher demand for services, the ongoing impact of the pandemic, complex client needs, and significant funding cuts. New York State legislators need to increase #NYSDVFunding
  • Urgent Action! Victim assistance programs are facing a financial crisis -- a 10-15% cut in overall funding and the loss of the fifth and final year of existing contracts for civil legal services. Ensuring the continuity of victim services would cost 0.1% of the Executive Budget #NYSDVFunding  



  • ATTENTION NYS! Now is the time. Create the strongest statewide network of DV services in the country. Invest in #NYSDVFunding 
  • New York’s DV programs are facing significant funding cuts while programs are doing everything in their power to keep survivors safe. Keep programs whole#Safety4Survivors
  • The Legislature must take action now to preserve support services for victims of crime. Stand with crime victims today. #NYSDVFunding 
  • Support New York’s DV survivors by increasing #NYSDVFunding during the 2022 budget negotiations.
  • New York’s funding for non-residential DV services is at the same level it was 20 years ago. New York must increase funding now. #NYSDVFunding
  • Support the life-saving work of domestic violence service providers. Prioritize survivors #Safety4Survivors