Promising Programs
Transforming Communities: Creating Safety and Justice for Women and Girls - Community Mobilization Toolkit is a great tool to use with domestic violence or sexual assault staff in their quest to plan and carry out community mobilization campaigns. Features of the Kit include the TC Case Statement, a sound framework for preventing violence against women, as well as five practical sections of tips and tools for organizing.
The Expect Respect Program is a comprehensive, school-based program designed to promote safe and healthy teen relationships. The program manual consists of a Program Overview, Support Group Curriculum and Facilitator Guide, Youth Leadership Curriculum and Facilitator Guide and School-wide Prevention Strategies Facilitator Guide and Resources. The manual can be ordered from SafePlace.
SafePlace developed Expect Respect for use in local schools. The materials are designed to support youth in changing social norms as well as increasing bystander interventions and individual skills for healthy relationships. They are also designed to assist school personnel in developing policies and training to address dating violence, sexual harassment and bullying. -
This publication was developed as part of the work of the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Consortium’s Community Engagement Key Function Committee. Recognizing that community involvement is essential to the identification of health concerns and interventions, the Committee created a task force on updating the 1997 publication Principles of Community Engagement, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. This project has been funded in whole with federal funds from the National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health, through the CTSA program, part of the Roadmap Initiative, Re-Engineering the Clinical Research Enterprise. The manuscript was approved by the CTSA Consortium Publications Committee. Publication development was a collaborative effort of the CTSA Community Engagement Key Function Committee, which included members from the National Institutes of Health, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This publication is in the public domain and may be reprinted or copied without permission.
is an independent social movement education initiative that works with community organizers and activists in the Australia Pacific region to help people win social and environmental change. Many resources can be found on their page.
has been increasing capacity around the world for activist training since 1992. Their training helps groups stand up more effectively for justice, peace and the environment. They specialize in training trainers to create a ripple effect in quality activist training.
This resource focuses on TAKING ACTION to select and implement the strategies presented in the Division of Violence Prevention’s (DVP) technical packages. A technical package is a select group of strategies that represents the best available evidence to help prevent or reduce violence.
This Implementation Guide is designed to support state and local health agencies and other stakeholders who have a role in planning, implementing, and evaluating violence prevention efforts. Depending on where you are in the implementation process, these sections can stand-alone or be used in any order. -
This collection of principles, practices and recipes are intended to support others in creating healthier, more loving, and liberated relationships and communities.This book is a companion to the medicine cards which offer medicine in the form of invocations, reflections, and liberatory practices. The book provides more context and scope while the deck provides an interactive approach to shared learning. There are shared stories of network learnings and tools that you can use to deepen your network leadership principles.