Workplace Engagement
When we think of gender-based issues in the workplace we often think only of sexual harassment and what employers can do to prevent and address it through policy and programming. However, Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking and Sexual Assault are not isolated to home settings and are in fact highly prevalent at work with sometimes tragic consequences. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the cost of intimate partner rape, physical assault and stalking totaled $8.3 billion annually in 2003 dollars. This includes costs of direct medical and mental health care services and lost productivity from paid work and household chores.[1]
Also, consider 2005 phone survey of 1,200 full-time American employees which found that 44 percent of full-time employed adults personally experienced domestic violence's effect in their workplaces, and 21 percent identified themselves as victims of intimate partner violence.[2] With the prevalence and magnitude of this issue so high, it is critical to include them in discussions about workplace and employee safety.
In this section, you will find creative and innovative ways to address IPV when it comes to work, along with policies and best practices.
[1] Max, W, Rice, DP, Finkelstein, E, Bardwell, R, Leadbetter, S. 2004. The Economic Toll of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in the United States. Violence and Victims, 19(3) 259-272. ii U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2010.
[2] CAEPV National Benchmark Telephone Survey. 2005. Bloomington, IL: Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence.