This page contains best practices, materials, and resources related to primary prevention.
NYSCADV’s Online Prevention Toolkit contains a compendium of tools, resources and strategies that can be utilized to support prevention strategies on a local, regional and statewide level.
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM) in February is a national effort to raise awareness and protect teens from violence. How can you make a difference? By encouraging your school, community-based organizations, tribal leaders, parents, and teens to join together to prevent teen dating violence– both at home and in our communities. Those of us in Native communities often hear jokes about “Indian lovin” as waking up with a hickey and a black eye—that’s not love, it’s dating violence. The NativeLove project gives us the opportunity to reframe what NativeLove really is, so we can change our thoughts and actions to restore how we love, honor, and treat each other, which is characterized by respect, kindness, and compassion.