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Program Membership

NYSCADV has two levels of membership: 1) Program Members and 2) Organizational Associate Members. Annual dues are effective for each calendar year (from January 1-December 31). All members must subscribe to and adhere to NYSCADV’s mission, vision and philosophy.

Our Mission:
NYSCADV works to create and support the social change necessary to prevent and confront all forms of domestic violence.

Our Vision for the Future:
The collective voices of survivors and advocates as expressed through the Coalition will strengthen public and private responses and prioritize domestic violence as a human rights issue.

Our Philosophy:
• Anti-oppression principles will be adopted by the domestic violence movement and other social change organizations;
• Policy, programs, and practice will be survivor/victim focused;
• Domestic violence survivors/victims and their children will have total access to appropriate services;
• We will have a strong commitment to provide member programs support, information, and policy guidance;
• We will implement a comprehensive strategy to enhance and sustain diverse funding for programs; and
• Inclusive collaboration will be the foundation for all of our strategies.

Who Is Eligible To Apply:
Program Members shall consist of private, nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations and programs that have a primary purpose of providing immediate shelter and supportive services to adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents, including but not limited to programs that are licensed by the NYS Office for Children and Family Services or have local NY Department of Social Services contracts to provide domestic violence services, either residential or nonresidential, and which adhere to the mission, philosophy and purposes of NYSCADV. The voting rights of Program Members shall be limited to the election of Regional Council members. Program Members shall be entitled to one (1) vote per organization in good standing.

NYSCADV Regions:
NYSCADV has divided New York State into nine geographic regions: Western, Southern Tier, Central, Mid-Hudson, Capital, Northeast, Lower Hudson, New York City and Long Island. See the NYSCADV Region Map to determine which region your organization is located in. The map is available electronically at

Any Staff Member From A Program Member Is Eligible To:
• Attend NYSCADV regional meetings;
• Serve on the NYSCADV Board of Directors;
• Participate in the nomination and election of NYSCADV Regional Council Representatives (one vote per member organization);
• Be nominated as a Regional Council Representative; and
• Serve on NYSCADV Committees.

Staff Members From Program Members Can Access:
• Discounted costs or exclusive access to trainings, webinars, conferences, and the Annual Meeting;
• Eligibility to strategize and plan with other regional members for NYSCADV training tailored to meet your region’s needs;
• Advanced/priority registration for trainings, conferences, and the Annual Meeting;
• Travel stipends and scholarships to NYSCADV conferences, trainings and events as available; and
• Technical assistance by phone, email, or in person meetings.

NYSCADV Shares Information With Program Members Through:
• The NYSCADV Update: an electronic newsletter with topics of interest to NYSCADV members;
• The NYSCADV Policy Update: an electronic newsletter with policy information relevant to survivors and service providers;
• Member only listservs which provide a forum for discussions on policy, economic justice, fund development, management and other relevant issues; and
• Access to a member only portal on the NYSCADV website.

NYSCADV Promotes The Work Of Program Members Through:
• Member program spotlights in the NYSCADV Update;
• Member program spotlights on NYSCADV social media pages;
• Promotion of member program logos in the NYSCADV Annual Report
• Promotion of employment opportunities at member programs in NYSCADV Update and on the NYSCADV website; and
• Displaying member program logos and website links on the NYSCADV website.

Program Membership Dues:
Are based on the overall operating budget of the DV Program:
• $185 for agencies with an overall operating budget less than $100,000
• $500 for agencies with an overall operating budget between $100,000 and $499,999
• $875 for agencies with an overall operating budget between $500,000 and $999,999
• $1,250 for agencies with an overall operating budget between $1,000,000 and $4,999,999
• $2,500 for agencies with an overall operating budget between $5,000,000 and $9,999,999
• $5,000 for agencies with an overall operating budget over $10,000,000