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Prevention Toolkit

Primary Prevention

Welcome to NYSCADV’s Online Prevention Toolkit! On these pages, you will find a compendium of tools, resources and strategies that can be utilized to support prevention strategies on a local, regional and statewide level. Tools and resources are carefully chosen, based on emerging evidence, lessons learned from the New York State DELTA Project and successes from local domestic violence programs throughout the state of New York and across the nation and from dialogue with national partners in prevention.

You will find traditional prevention resources and strategies, such as curricula that can be conducted in school-based settings, as well as public health approaches that engage communities around issues of health and wellness (addressing health disparities.) You will also find community organizing techniques that engage and nurture groups to address inequities that stem from systemic oppression such as racism, heterosexism, from an intersectional, social justice framework (increasing access to resources, opportunities, and education.) Lastly, you will find a growing body of research that describes emerging evidence of prevention approaches that promote factors and conditions that can protect vulnerable populations from being victimized and strive to stop people who are at risk of perpetrating from ever doing so in the first place.


It is our hope that the tools and techniques promoted in the toolkit will support groups and individuals to go through their own process of discovery and decision-making to determine the role they wish to play in changing their communities and the appropriate strategies for doing so.

This toolkit is an ongoing project of NYSCADV and a work in progress. If there is a strategy or tool that your program or community has developed, or if you know of one that you are utilizing with some success, please don’t hesitate to bring it to NYSCADV’s attention so that we may include it here.